Tiwaz rune meaning
Tiwaz is the seventeenth rune of the Elder Futhark. It is a symbol that resonates with warriors, justice and the divine masculine. Shaped like an upward-pointing arrow, it embodies the spirit of the Norse god Tyr, who was the god of war, law and heroic glory. Back in the day, warriors would inscribe Tiwaz on their weapons and armor, seeking Tyr's favor for courage and victory in battle. This rune wasn't just about physical combat, though; it also represented the inner battles we all face and the pursuit of honor and righteousness.
Historically, Tyr was a central figure in Norse mythology. He was known for his bravery and his commitment to justice, even when it cost him dearly. One famous tale tells how he sacrificed his hand to the monstrous wolf Fenrir to protect the gods — a testament to his selflessness and integrity. The Tiwaz rune, therefore, carries the weight of these legends, symbolizing not only physical strength but also moral fortitude and the willingness to make personal sacrifices for the greater good.
Symbolically, Tiwaz is all about courage, honor and the pursuit of justice. It's like the universe's call to step up, take charge and stand firmly in your truth. Spiritually, this rune teaches us about the importance of self-discipline, leadership and the strength that comes from aligning our actions with our highest principles. It's a reminder that true victory isn't just about defeating external foes but conquering our inner challenges and fears.
Direct reading
When Tiwaz appears upright, it's a signal to embrace your inner warrior and take decisive action. Maybe you've been hesitating on a decision or avoiding a tough conversation. Well, now's the time to step up! This rune suggests that courage and determination will lead you to success. It's like the universe is giving you a nudge, saying "You've got this—go for it!" By standing firm in your convictions and acting with integrity, you'll overcome obstacles and achieve your goals. In the realm of love, an upright Tiwaz points to honesty and commitment. If you're in a relationship, it encourages open communication and addressing issues head-on. No more sweeping things under the rug — time to be real with each other. This rune signifies that by being truthful and dedicated, your relationship can grow stronger and more fulfilling. For singles, Tiwaz suggests that taking the initiative and being authentic can attract the right partner. Be bold, be yourself and don't be afraid to make the first move. Career-wise, Tiwaz upright indicates leadership and advancement. You might be stepping into a new role, leading a project or making significant strides toward your career goals. It's like you're on the battlefield of the corporate world and victory is within reach. This rune encourages you to take charge, make strategic decisions and act with confidence. Financially, it suggests that disciplined efforts and smart planning will lead to stability and growth. Stay focused, stay determined, and keep your eye on the prize.
Reversed reading
When Tiwaz shows up reversed, it may indicate a lack of direction or self-doubt. You might be feeling stuck, hesitant or unsure of your next steps. It's like your inner compass is spinning, and you can't find true north. This rune suggests it's time to pause and reassess your goals and values. Perhaps you've strayed from your path or fear is holding you back. Reflect on what's causing this uncertainty and consider seeking guidance or support to regain your confidence and sense of purpose. In love, a reversed Tiwaz can point to conflicts or imbalance. Maybe there's a power struggle or one partner isn't being fully honest. It's like the foundation of your relationship is shaky and things feel off-kilter. This rune urges you to address these issues openly and work toward restoring balance and trust. For those seeking love, it might be a sign to heal past wounds or let go of unrealistic expectations. Focus on building a strong relationship with yourself first —that's the key to attracting a healthy partnership. On the career front, a reversed Tiwaz suggests obstacles or a lack of motivation. You might be facing setbacks, feeling undervalued or questioning your career path. It's like hitting a wall and not knowing how to climb over it. This rune advises you to reevaluate your goals and consider whether your current situation aligns with your true desires. Financially, it could indicate challenges or the need to be more disciplined with your spending. Take a step back, create a solid plan and don't be afraid to ask for help if needed.
Meditating with Tiwaz
Connecting with Tiwaz through meditation can help you tap into your inner strength
and align with your highest principles. Here are four affirmations that resonate
with the energy of this empowering rune:
"I act with courage and integrity, standing firm in my truth."
"Challenges are opportunities for me to grow and triumph."
"I lead by example, inspiring others through my dedication and honor."
"My decisions are guided by wisdom, justice, and a commitment to the greater good."
During meditation, visualize the Tiwaz rune as a shining arrow pointing upward,
symbolizing your ascent toward your goals and higher self. Feel its energy filling
you with confidence, clarity, and determination. Let these affirmations reinforce
your resolve to act with honor and pursue your ambitions fearlessly.