
Dagaz, also known as Dag, is the twenty-third rune of the Elder Futhark. It is associated with the letter D and its literal meaning is day or dawn. In a spiritual or metaphysical context, Dagaz is often interpreted as a symbol of breakthrough, enlightenment, and new beginnings. It represents the concept of transformation and rebirth, as well as the balance between light and darkness. It signifies a time of clarity, realization, and positive change in one's life. When Dagaz appears in a reading, it may indicate a period of transition, where old patterns are being broken and new opportunities are emerging. It can also symbolize a moment of awakening or a sudden burst of insight. It encourages the individual to embrace change and embrace the new opportunities that are coming their way. Overall, Dagaz is a rune of hope, growth, and illumination. It reminds us that even in the darkest moments, there is always the promise of a new day and a fresh start. Embrace the light and welcome the transformation that Dagaz brings.

Direct reading

Dagaz is a rune that represents breakthrough, transformation, and a new beginning. It signifies a moment of clarity and enlightenment, leading to a positive change in your life. It is a symbol of hope and personal growth, reminding you to embrace new opportunities and to trust in the process of change. Overall, Dagaz brings a message of light and progress, guiding you towards a brighter future.

Reversed reading

Reversed, the rune Dagaz indicates a sense of stagnation, a lack of clarity or forward movement in one's life. It suggests that there may be obstacles or challenges hindering progress, and that one may need to reassess their goals and make necessary changes in order to move forward. It can also signify a period of darkness or confusion, where things may seem unclear or uncertain. It is important to stay focused and patient during this time and trust that clarity and light will eventually return.
