
Othala is the twenty-fourth rune in the Elder Futhark, the oldest runic alphabet used by Germanic peoples. It is associated with the sound O. The meaning of Othala is often interpreted as heritage or ancestral property. When Othala appears in a reading, it may signify a connection to one's roots, family, or ancestral heritage. It can represent traditions, customs, and values that have been passed down through generations. Othala also symbolizes a sense of belonging and a feeling of homecoming. In a more practical sense, Othala can suggest a focus on material possessions, financial stability, and property ownership. It may indicate an inheritance, a sense of security, or the importance of creating a stable foundation for oneself and future generations. Overall, Othala encourages us to honor our past, embrace our heritage, and create a sense of security and belonging in our lives. It reminds us to appreciate the gifts of our ancestors and to build upon their legacy for the future.

Direct reading

Othala represents inheritance, ancestral wisdom, and the connections to one's roots and homeland. It signifies a time of stability, protection, and reliance on family or community support. This rune also suggests a focus on creating a secure and harmonious environment for oneself and future generations. In a reading, Othala may indicate a time to reflect on your heritage, values, and traditions, and draw strength from the wisdom and legacy of your ancestors. Embrace your roots and use them as a foundation for building a strong and prosperous future.

Reversed reading

Reversed, the rune Othala suggests a lack of connection to one's heritage or roots, feelings of disconnection or alienation from one's family or ancestors. It may indicate a need to explore your history, traditions, and lineage in order to gain a sense of belonging and stability in your life. This rune also warns against clinging too tightly to outdated ideas or beliefs that no longer serve you, and encourages you to adapt and embrace change in order to grow and evolve.
