
Kenaz is the rune of creativity, transformation, and passion. It signifies a bright light in the darkness, representing the fire of inspiration that can ignite change and growth. Kenaz urges us to tap into our inner fire and use our creative abilities to overcome obstacles and achieve our goals. It encourages us to embrace transformation and make the necessary changes in our lives to reach our full potential. When Kenaz appears in a reading, it is a sign that now is the time to focus on your passions and creative pursuits. It may indicate that new opportunities for personal growth and self-expression are on the horizon. Kenaz also reminds us to be open to change and to embrace the unknown with courage and confidence. However, Kenaz also warns against being consumed by our passions to the point of recklessness or destruction. We must harness the energy of Kenaz wisely and use it to fuel our creativity and drive, rather than allowing it to consume us. By balancing our inner fire with reason and caution, we can harness the transformative power of Kenaz to bring positive change into our lives. Overall, Kenaz is a rune of power, transformation, and creativity. It encourages us to embrace our inner fire and use it to fuel our passions and drive towards our goals. By tapping into the energy of Kenaz, we can ignite positive change in our lives and unlock our full potential.

Direct reading

Kenaz is the rune of passion, creativity, and transformation. It symbolizes the fire within that fuels our creative endeavors and drives us toward achieving our goals. This rune encourages you to embrace your inner spark and use it to ignite positive change in your life. It signifies a time of transformation and renewal, where you have the power to shape your own destiny. Trust in your creative abilities and let your passion guide you towards a brighter future.

Reversed reading

Reversed Kenaz suggests that there may be a lack of passion, creativity, or motivation in your life. It could indicate a period of stagnation, feeling stuck or uninspired. You may be struggling to find your creative spark or your inner fire. It may be a good time to reflect on what truly ignites your passion and find ways to reignite that flame. It could also indicate a lack of vitality and energy, or feeling burnt out. It is a reminder to take care of yourself and nurture your inner fire in order to move forward with renewed energy and motivation.
