
Berkano is the rune of growth, fertility, and renewal. It represents the protective and nurturing qualities of the Earth Mother, and signifies a time of new beginnings and positive changes. When Berkano appears in a reading, it is a sign that you are entering a period of growth and abundance. This rune encourages you to trust in your own intuition and inner wisdom, and to nurture yourself and those around you. It is a reminder to take care of yourself and to focus on your own well-being, allowing yourself to heal and grow stronger. Berkano also represents the power of family and community, and the importance of creating strong and supportive relationships. It suggests that by working together with others, you can achieve greater success and fulfillment. In love and relationships, Berkano signifies a period of harmony and emotional fulfillment. It encourages you to be open and vulnerable with your partner, and to embrace the nurturing and healing aspects of love. Overall, Berkano is a positive and empowering rune that offers guidance and support during times of growth and change. Embrace its energy and trust in the power of renewal and new beginnings.

Direct reading

Berkano is the rune of new beginnings, growth, and protection. It represents the nurturing energy of the mother and the fertility of the earth. This rune signifies a time of rebirth, where old patterns are being shed and new opportunities are emerging. It encourages you to trust in the process of growth and development, and to embrace the changes that are happening in your life. It also reminds you to take care of yourself and to seek out nurturing environments and relationships. Overall, Berkano is a positive and supportive rune that brings blessings and protection to those who embody its energy.

Reversed reading

Reversed reading of rune Berkano suggests a lack of growth or development, repression of creativity or nurturing qualities, and potential stagnation in personal relationships or projects. It may indicate feelings of suffocation, lack of protection, or an inability to connect with others on a deeper level. This rune reversed calls for a deeper look into one's own emotional needs and a reminder to nurture oneself in order to foster growth and positive change.
