
Ansuz is the rune of communication, inspiration, and divine guidance. When this rune appears in a reading, it signifies a time of clear communication and the potential for new insights and ideas to come to light. Ansuz encourages you to pay attention to the messages and signs that are being given to you by the universe or your higher self. This rune reminds you to trust your intuition and inner wisdom, as it may be guiding you towards an important revelation or breakthrough. In a practical sense, Ansuz may indicate that now is a good time to speak up and voice your thoughts and opinions. This rune encourages you to communicate openly and honestly with others, as doing so can lead to greater understanding and harmony in your relationships. Overall, Ansuz is a positive rune that signifies a time of new understanding, mental clarity, and fresh perspectives. Embrace the wisdom and guidance that is being offered to you and trust that you are on the right path towards achieving your goals and fulfilling your potential.

Direct reading

Ansuz is the rune of communication, inspiration, and divine knowledge. It represents the power of the spoken word and the importance of clear communication. This rune encourages you to speak your truth, express yourself openly, and listen to the wisdom of others. It signifies that new ideas and inspiration will come to you if you open yourself up to receiving them. Trust in your intuition and the messages you receive from the universe. This rune is a reminder to cultivate your connection with higher powers and seek guidance from the divine. It may also indicate a need to refine your communication skills and be mindful of the words you use. Overall, Ansuz is a positive sign that encourages you to embrace your inner wisdom and trust in the power of communication.

Reversed reading

The reversed reading of rune Ansuz indicates confusion, miscommunication, or a lack of clarity. This could be a sign of misunderstandings, disorganization, or difficulty expressing oneself effectively. It may suggest a need to slow down and think before speaking or acting, as well as a need to seek guidance or advice from others.
